Saturday, March 28, 2009

Prayer for all Children by Jeff Schrembs

It is a fact, as well as a tragedy, that there are MILLIONS of children (around the World) who are under constant threat of death/murder/hunger/disease/etc. They go without food, clean water, sanitary conditions, all of which expose them to a life of health complications.

There is an "old saying", that is among my favorite recollections, that goes like this. A question is posed: "How do you swallow an Elephant". The person says they don't know and they ask for the answer. The answer is: "One bite at a time".

Thus, how do we (in any way that we can) help these children? I believe the answer is "as many as we can at a time".

There are many legitimate, and proven, charitable organizations that have VERY HIGH "donations to recipients" percentages. As an example the Salvation Army states that for every $1.00 (one dollar US) that is donated that (approximately) .90 cents (ninety cents) goes DIRECTLY to those in need. The difference, of .10 cents (ten cents), goes to cover their "overhead". Some Charities, that are more "well known", have LOWER percentages so I would highly recommend that you do you research and then...follow your heart.

Whether it is digging through old clothes, shoes, attic, closets, etc. there are ways that we all can help. Of course if we are able to "write a check" that helps as well but anything that is done, from our hearts, can/will make a difference.

Take care and God bless.
Jeffrey Schrembs
Special Needs Children Advocate
Disabled Persons Advocate (Adult and Child)
Child Abuse Prevention Advocate

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